Philippians 2:19–24
Sermon Preview
Since chapter one of Philippians, Paul has been striking a singular chord with the Philippian church: walk in a manner worthy of the gospel by laying down your life to bring others to Jesus. In other words, be like Jesus. Paul knows our human tendency to let ourselves off the hook by arguing we are not Jesus and never could be. It is easy to make excuses for not doing something when it is abstract and theoretical.
But Paul wants to see the gospel grow and flourish in the Philippian church (and in us!) and so, he promises to sent Timothy. And that’s the beginning of our text this week: “I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, so that I too may be cheered by news of you” (Phil 2:19). What does Paul’s plan to send Timothy to Philippi have to do with you and I living in southern MN in the 21st century? Paul gives some specific reasons for sending Timothy and by doing so, he is holding up Timothy as an example of Christ-likeness for the Philippian church and for us. This weekend we’ll look together at Timothy’s example and how striving to be like Timothy can ultimately make us more like Jesus. Would you join us at Sojourners Church at 10am in the Skyline plaza?