Phil 4:1–9
Sermon Preview
How do we keep following Jesus in a world full of temptation and trials, distraction and division, sorrow and suffering? How do we stand firm in the Lord when our knees are shaking? This is Paul’s concern in Philippians 4.
After warning that perseverance is a matter of life and death (Phil 3:17–21), Paul writes, “Therefore, my brothers, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm thus in the Lord, my beloved” (Phil 4:1). Stand firm begins a series of imperatives all aimed at the goal that the saints in Philippi would keep following Jesus. Paul doesn’t tell the Philippians what to do so much as he tells the Philippians how to think. In other words, they stand firm not by doing a series of tasks but by adopting certain attitudes. They stand firm by resolving by grace to think like Jesus. Join us this Sunday at 10 am at the Skyline Plaza as we unpack these attitudes together. May the Lord stir our hearts to resolve by grace to think like Jesus.