Proposed Constitution: Voting


This post continues our walk through the proposed constitution and bylaws. This series aims to draw attention to specific details in the documents and provide an opportunity for questions and feedback. See the first post in this series for more information.

Today, we are going to address Bylaws Article 2 "Meeting Procedures" and Article 3 Section 2 "Elders." Download the proposed constitution at this link to follow along.

On Meetings & Voting

"Meeting Procedures" does not sound that exciting. And most of this article is pretty standard stuff. We will have an annual meeting once a year and may meet throughout the year through special meetings. We will make sure the congregation is well informed of the time and agenda for the meetings.

The part to pay most attention to is under Section 6 on voting. Voting is new for Sojourners Church. We are an Elder Ruled church, which means: "Under the authority of Jesus Christ and the Word of God, the Council of Elders is the governing authority of this local church. The Council of Elders shall be responsible for the general operation of the affairs of the church in accordance with the constitution and bylaws." (Constitution Article VII). The aim of all of this is to do what Paul calls for over and over in the Pastoral Epistles: "guard the deposit entrusted to you." (1 Tim 6:20).

What is the congregation's role? In Matthew 16, Jesus gives authority to Peter to bind and loose regarding gospel confession: "Who do you say that I am?" (Matt 16:15, 18). In Matthew 18:15–20, Jesus extends that authority to the ekklesia—or church gathered. One way for the congregation to exercise this Christ-given responsibility and authority is through voting on key issues regarding gospel confession.

Therefore, this new constitution introduces the idea of voting on a few such issues: "Church Members shall have the privilege and responsibility to vote on the following matters: the calling of staff pastors; termination of the lead pastor; confirmation of elders; acquiring, selling, or building upon real property; and any amendments to the constitution or bylaws." Not all of these areas are necessary as an implication of Matthew 16 & 18 (buying a church building, for example, is not). But we believe a congregational vote on each of these matters is prudent. Additionally, the Council of Elders may decide other matters are wise to put to a church vote, even though it is not required.

We believe voting on these matters (especially confirming elders and constitution and bylaws) will enable the congregation to exercise appropriate, God-given authority and that the Spirit-led wisdom given to all believers will benefit our church family immensely.

Voting and Elders

The most significant change voting brings is in the process of bringing on new elders (Bylaws Article III Section 2). Previously, new elders were appointed by current elders. Under the new process elders would go through a process of training and public assessment, followed by a confirmation vote by the current Council of Elders and another confirmation vote by the congregation.

We believe this process is wise, therefore this is the process we are using with Thad Rosenberg. Over the last year, Thad began the elder-in-training process. Charlie and I have assessed Thad's fitness for eldership through his participation in elder meetings, personal conversations, written reflection, and other assessments. We've also seen him preach at Sojourners and teach in other contexts.

In the fall, we wrote a letter to the congregation commending him as an official Elder Candidate. The goal of this letter was to put him before you for feedback during his elder-in-training process. Now, near the end of this process, we are confident in commending him to you for eldership at Sojourners. Thad is sound and faithful in his gospel convictions, demonstrates model godliness and humility, loves his family and the church well, and is fit to lead others in following Jesus. We believe Jesus is giving us a gift in Thad and encourage you to recognize that gift with us (Eph 4:11–12).

You will have an opportunity to do just that very soon. On June 6th, after the regular church service, members of Sojourners Church will gather together to vote "yes" or "no" on confirming Thad as an elder at our church. Per the proposed constitution, this will be a written, secret ballot. To be confirmed, a majority "yes" vote will be required. The meeting will not be long—we will vote, count the votes, and announce the results. We encourage all members: plan to attend this important meeting.

Voting and the Constitution

Two weeks after the vote on Thad's eldership, current members will vote on the proposed constitution and bylaws. It seems wise to the leadership team to use the same procedures for amending the proposed constitution to adopt it initially. Therefore, on June 20th, we will vote "yes" or "no" on accepting the proposed constitution and bylaws as the official constitution and bylaws of Sojourners Church.

The procedures for this vote are in Article XI of the constitution. We will require a quorum of 50% of current members present for the vote. Of those voting, 75% "yes" will be required to adopt this new constitution. We hope setting these high standards ensures unity among the congregation as we step into this new chapter in the life of Sojourners Church.

Because of this high standard, it is vitally important that members plan to attend this meeting and ask any questions or express reservations about this process before that weekend. Please reach out to Charlie or Tyler if you would like to talk more about the proposed Constitution and Bylaws or if you have any questions or concerns.