Genesis 3:1–24
View the Sunday bulletin here.
Sermon Preview
This weekend is week three of our advent series: “Delighting in the Generosity of God.” Last weekend, we saw from Genesis 1–2 that God created a world where everything was “very good” and planted a garden full of bounty and beauty. And he created Adam and Eve in his image and placed them in this garden to savor his gifts and spread his generosity throughout creation. Like Adam and Eve, we were created to live in and extend this garden as we enjoyed God’s generosity.
Looking around us in 2019, we can see something went terribly wrong. With even a cursory glance, we see a world around us filled with scarcity and brokenness; a world where there doesn’t seem to be enough and many people experience extreme lack. And we see others fight over and hoard what little there is. And if we look inside ourselves, we see our own disappointment with what we have and our desire for more. The story our world tells us now seems very different than the story we saw in Genesis 1–2. What went wrong? How did we go from bounty and beauty to thorns and thistles?
This is the story of Genesis 3. Because Adam and Eve believed the serpent’s false story of a god who hoards the best for himself, they ate of the forbidden fruit and unleashed an avalanche of destruction into God’s very good creation. This weekend, we’ll look at the story of Genesis 3 and trace the path from distrust to disobedience to disaster. But we’ll also see the true story of the generosity of God continue to bring light to darkness as God promises a descendant of the woman who will one day crush the head of the serpent. Would you join us this Sunday at 10 am at the Skyline Plaza as we hear this story together?