Genesis 1:1–2:3
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Sermon Preview
Last week, we began our advent series: “Delighting in the Generosity of God.” We saw from Luke 12 that whether we have plenty or lack, we are often preoccupied with “enoughness” rather than the God of more than enough. We see a world of scarcity around us and struggle to believe God is really generous. Our preoccupation with enoughness prevents us from enjoying God as a generous giver and from seeking his kingdom and imitating his generosity. We remain preoccupied with enough because we see a world full of scarcity and believe the wrong story.
Jesus’ solution is to look at God’s care for creation as evidence to point us to the true story—the Story of the God of the Gardens. This week, we will turn to the beginning of Genesis to look at the beginning of this story. We’ll see that in the beginning, God created a world filled with abundance and created us to live in this world, savoring and spreading his generosity. To see the world like Jesus saw the world and to live free from anxiety and in obedience to the Father as Jesus did, we need to see this story with fresh eyes and let it frame our thinking. Would you join us this Sunday at 10 am at the Skyline Plaza as we do that together?